A Fool's Cry: The Living Water

Wednesday, May 20, 2009

The Living Water

How often do I forget that the Bible is God's word. The very breathe of God. How often do I forget that if I want to live by the Spirit, to keep in step with the Spirit, I need to be rooted in the word. How often do I forget the word of God is life. Abundant life. Yet, I fill my time with the meaningless. I forget that I serve the Living God. The same who led the Israelites by a column of fire, who rained mana from heaven, who split the red sea, and who consumed those guilty of bringing a false sacrifice before him. I forget sometimes that my "story" is really God's story. I forget that Jesus Christ is alive in me. Alive. in. me. Maybe it's becaue I have so much stuff, that I believe I can do things on my own strength. Do you remember when the disciples engaged a lame man with the words: Silver and gold i do not have, but what I do have I give you, in the name of Jesus of Nazareth, rise up and walk." Acts 3:6. It's easier for me to give money away because I have money. Somehow I've forgotten that the kingdom of God is not about talk but of power. 1 cor 4.20

When will I wake up and realize what it means to have Christ, living in me. What does it mean to live by the spirit, what does it mean to abide in Christ. All across the world God is moving. Millions of Chinese are coming to Christ, Muslims are coming to believe in Isa, these believers experience Christ in ways I may never understand. For them the word sustains them because it must. For them the Word is life. For us, in North America, the word has become, unpersonified. It is no longer the essence of life, but a subject to be studied, and kept at arms length.

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